Josh Carrell

PhD Student

Curriculum vitae

Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship

Colorado State University

Tutorials & Code

Open Source - Downloadable - Data Sharing

Some of the tutorials are focused specifically on programming with the R language. Others focus on analysis that uses the R language as it's medium. Both are awesome.

Click the links below to access tutorials that will walk through common programming techniques with code! A PDF file for your downloading enjoyment is also available.

R Fundamentals
  1. Introduction to R Programming - [PDF]
  2. Data Wrangling & Descriptive Statistics with tidyverse - [PDF]
  3. Data Visualization with ggplot2 - [PDF]
Spatial Data Analysis
  1. Introduction to Geospatial Data Science 
  2. Vector Spatial Data with sf 
  3. Raster Spatial Data with terra - [PDF]
  4. Introduction to Remote Sensing
  5. Point Pattern Analysis - [PDF]
Let's Get Ecological
  1. Normalized Burn Ratio
  2. Species Distribution Modeling with GLMs
Coming soon:
  • Species Distribution Modeling - Random Forest
  • Species Distribution Modeling - MaxEnt
  • Species Distribution Modeling - Boosted Regression Trees 
  • Species Occurrence Data Collection with spocc
  • Vegetation Indices
  • Unsupervised Classification
  • T tests
  • Linear Regression
  • Mixed Effects Models

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